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August 2020

How to safely dispose of FOG

How to safely dispose of FOG

Though fats, oils and grease (FOG) are used throughout almost every household, many people are still uncertain as to how they should be disposing their FOG. While pouring left-over cooking waste down the drain might seem like the quickest and easiest method, these substances harden over time, restricting the flow of wastewater through pipes and eventually creating fatbergs.

With a little preparation, FOG can be easily and safely disposed of, protecting both the environment and your drains from costly blockages.  Below are some top tips:

Leave to Cool

You should always leave FOG to cool prior to disposal. Not only does this prevent risk of burns from handling hot substances but will also make them easier to get rid of, since the majority of fats, oils and grease will solidify once chilled. Once the FOG has completely cooled to room temperature, place it in a sealable container to dispose. If further cooling is required, place the container in the fridge or freezer to ensure the liquid has solidified before going in the bin.

Use a Paper Towel

If only a little FOG is left in the pan, you should use a paper towel to wipe away and absorb leftover residue. This can then easily be thrown in the bin.

Recycle Oil

Did you know you can reuse larger quantities of cooking oil? Simply strain the oil through a coffee filter or cheese cloth to collect leftover food particles to prevent the oil from going rancid. Remember that the quality of the oil will deteriorate with each reuse, so you shouldn’t reuse the oil more than twice.  Collect spent oil in a sealable container and take it to your local waste facility where it can be recycled into biodiesel.

DO NOT pour down the sink

Whatever you do, don’t pour FOG down the sink. FOG is recognised as one of the biggest contributors to fatbergs which wreak havoc on your drainage system and the environment.

DO NOT put in the compost

You should also avoid putting FOG in your compost. You might believe this is the more environmentally friendly option, but it can actually be more harmful for your compost than you would think; the excess oils will form water-resistant barriers that prevent aerobic composting. What you’ll eventually end up with is a stinking heap that attracts vermin and flies.

If you have any concerns with FOG or blocked drains, don’t hesitate to give Drain Doctor a call. We offer 24/7 drainage support across the UK where our skilled technicians use the latest advanced clearing equipment to remove blockages efficiently and provide a long-lasting solution. To find out more about our services, contact our expert drainage technicians at Drain Doctor on 0800 707172.